The Ronnie Herndon & The Paul & Geneva Knauls Buildings


Goal: The Alberta Alive properties serve to celebrate and strengthen Portland’s historically Black N/NE neighborhoods by providing affordable housing, supportive services, and a shared community for underserved individuals and families.

The Ronnie Herndon Building and The Paul & Geneva Knauls Building, located in Portland’s King neighborhood, are a collaboration between Community Development Partners and Self Enhancement Inc. (SEI). The two buildings are the first to open within their shared Alberta Alive vision.

The Herndon Building provides 21 units of family-sized housing and outdoor recreation space and The Knauls Building provides 31 units for Veterans, including 25 VASH housing voucher units and services provided by Do Good Multnomah. The buildings are two blocks from each other on NE Alberta Street, the historic heart of Portland’s African American community.

Together the two buildings are comprised of 52 units with a mix of studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom units. Units will provide affordable rental housing to low-income persons with a median income of no greater than 60% of the area median income. Twenty-five of the units come with Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers attached. The projects create a place that supports the African American community and Veterans in a permanently affordable community, incorporating housing and robust service offerings.

SEI will oversee on-site resident services at both buildings with a culturally responsive services plan tailored to the resident population. This includes on-site events as well as SEI’s many school-based and after school programs, located at their Center for Self Enhancement, less than a mile from the project sites. Additionally, SEI offers adult programming in parenting, financial management/ budgeting, matched savings, credit repair, and home ownership. In addition to SEI’s programming, residents of The Knauls Building will also receive wraparound supportive services from Do Good Multnomah—a nonprofit organization that partners with the community to provide housing, emergency shelter, and services to houseless Veterans. Their emphasis includes relationship building, one-on-one engagement, supportive services, and direct community participation.


The Herndon and The Knauls Buildings received allocations of 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credits (OAHTC), funds from OHCS’ General Housing Development Program (GHAP), the Oregon Multifamily Energy Program and a grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust. Banner Bank provided the construction loan and the Network for Oregon Affordable Housing (NOAH) will provide the permanent loan.

  • Completion Date: November 2023
  • Total Development Cost: $26.5M
  • Affordability: 60% AMI and below
  • Total Units: 52
  • Unit Mix: 5 0BD, 28 1BD, 11 2BD, 8 3BD
  • Sustainability: Earth Advantage
  • Developer: CDP & SEI
  • Architect: Access Architecture
  • Contractor: Colas Construction
  • Property Management: Guardian Management
  • Resident Services Partner: SEI & Do Good Multnomah


CDP is proud to partner with these organizations, who are critical team members that share our vision for Alberta Alive – championing the revival of Black N/NE Portland, where residents can feel at home and connected with their neighbors, creating a strong community that will retain, attract, and grow generations of Black legacy.

Self Enhancement Inc. (SEI)

Founded in 1981, Self Enhancement Inc. (SEI) is dedicated to guiding underserved youth to realize their full potential. Working with schools, families, and partner community organizations, SEI provides support, guidance, and opportunities to achieve personal and academic success. SEI brings hope to individual young people and enhances the quality of community life by being a comprehensive, one-stop resource for African-American youth and families and others living in poverty and seeking culturally responsive services. Today, SEI is Oregon’s largest African American-led nonprofit multi-service organization, and second-largest minority-operated employer.

Do Good Multnomah

Do Good Multnomah is a non-profit organization that partners with the community to provide permanent supportive housing and low-barrier emergency shelter to houseless Veterans in Portland, Oregon. They emphasize relationship-building, one-on-one engagement, supportive services, and direct community participation, changing the way Portland serves houseless Veterans.