Mesa Vista
Goal: Provide much needed affordable housing with wraparound supportive services for formerly homeless Veterans, individuals at risk of homelessness struggling with mental illness, and very low-income seniors.
Located in Costa Mesa, Mesa Vista Apartments provides 88 units of permanent affordable housing for households earning 30% to 50% of Area Median Income (AMI). This Homekey project is part of a statewide initiative to rapidly expand housing for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The project offers a variety of housing options and aims to convert existing structures into permanent homes.
Of the 88 units, 30 are reserved for formerly homeless veterans, 10 for individuals with mental illness at risk of homelessness, and 48 for very low-income seniors. Veterans will receive Project-Based VASH Vouchers and case management services from the VA, while tenants in the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) units will have case management services provided by the County. Residents in the senior units will receive support services from Mercy House, the project’s co-developer and partner.
The units are furnished with a bed, nightstand, lamp, and a table with two chairs. The property will undergo significant upgrades, including a new exterior façade, landscaping, signage, and a redesigned leasing office with space for property management and service providers. Additional amenities will include a computer center, TV lounge, game room, break room for staff, and an accessible restroom. Mesa Vista will be developed in two phases: the first phase will provide 40 units, while the second will offer the remaining 48 units.
Mesa Vista received Homekey funding administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The County of Orange provided Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funds administered through the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Southern California Home Financing Authority (SCHFA) funds, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). The City of Costa Mesa provided ARPA, HOME, and Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund (LMIHAF) funding.
- Completion Date: December 2023
- Total Development Cost: $29.8M
- Affordability: 30% - 50% AMI
- Total Units: 48
- Unit Mix: 87 0BD, 1 2BD
- Sustainability: Solar PV
- Developer: CDP & Mercy House
- Architect: City Fabrick
- Contractor: ICON National
- Property Management: FPI Management
- Resident Services Partner: Mercy House
CDP is proud to continue to partner with Mercy House, a nonprofit organization that shares our mission of enhancing the quality of life for the communities in which we work. Mercy House is the lead services provider for Mesa Vista, delivering high quality supportive services designed to help residents thrive.
Mercy House
Mercy House was founded by Father Jerome T. Karcher with a vision to serve the local homeless and at-risk communities. Since beginning services in 1990, Mercy House has grown from a single transitional housing program to a complete system of care designed to span the spectrum of services. These range from outreach and homeless prevention programs to emergency shelters and permanent housing, which incorporates both Housing First projects serving chronically homeless populations and affordable housing serving very low to low-income populations. On an annual basis, Mercy House programs and services touch the lives of over 7,000 adults and children across Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, and Kern Counties in California as well as Maricopa County, Arizona. Their growth over our 30-year tenure has been tied to clarity of vision and purpose, always bearing in mind the organization’s ultimate goal: to end the homelessness of all who enter their unique system of care.